A b o u t M e

T I P J A R . . .

CLICK HERE TO MAKE A DONATION or, if your visiting on a desktop computer, scan the QR Code with your device.
Yes, as shocking as it may be to believe, I do operate a TIP JAR. So many of my resources, videos, and transcriptions are FREE but I do have to earn a living somehow. As hard as it may be to believe, we Professional Musicians don't live on "Exposure" and "Doing it for the love of it...". Of course, we DO do it for the love of it, but have you ever tried to pay your Mortgage, Petrol, and other Bills on "Exposure"?
I'd like to think that my 'stuff' brings enormous joy and much-needed help and assistance to you all. The TABs that I put together take a lot - and I mean a L.O.T. - of work to do. They're all written and typed by me - by ear, not from pre-existing sheet music - and often take me hours to do. Add to that the time it takes to create the backing tracks and film the videos that you watch on YouTube.
I am a 100% professional musician: this is what I do. Music is my life and I love it. I don't have a "day job" or any other source of income. Any donations that you care spare to my tip jar would be gratefully received. You can use the QR code to the left or follow this link.
Your support is MUCH appreciated. Thank you.